How to Successfully Plant Napier Grass in the Philippines?: A Comprehensive Guide

Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is a versatile and valuable grass species that holds a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture. With its array of benefits ranging from livestock fodder to erosion control, Napier grass presents an excellent opportunity for farmers in the Philippines to enhance their agricultural practices.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of planting Napier grass in the Philippines, harnessing its potential for the betterment of farms and the environment.

Understanding Napier Grass

How to Successfully Plant Napier Grass in the Philippines?

What is Napier Grass?

Napier grass, scientifically known as Pennisetum purpureum, is a perennial grass native to Africa. Characterized by its towering height and vibrant green leaves, Napier grass can grow up to 2 meters in length. Its impressive stature and robust foliage make it an exceptional choice for various agricultural applications, from livestock feed to soil conservation.

Benefits of Growing Napier Grass

Napier grass brings forth a multitude of advantages, contributing to both farm productivity and environmental sustainability.

  1. Livestock Fodder: Napier grass stands as a nutritious and protein-rich feed option for livestock, including cattle, goats, and more. Its abundance of foliage provides a consistent source of high-quality feed that supports animal health and productivity.
  2. Erosion Control: The dense network of roots that Napier grass develops plays a crucial role in preventing soil erosion. Especially in areas with sloped terrain, planting Napier grass can stabilize the soil and reduce the risk of topsoil loss due to water runoff.
  3. Soil Improvement: Beyond its surface benefits, Napier grass contributes to soil enhancement. As the grass grows, its fallen leaves decompose, enriching the soil with organic matter. This organic matter improves soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient availability, fostering healthier and more fertile soils.
How to Successfully Plant Napier Grass in the Philippines?

Preparing for Planting

Selecting the Right Location

Choosing the optimal location for Napier grass cultivation is essential for successful growth.

  • Sunlight: Select a site with ample sunlight exposure throughout the day. Napier grass thrives in full sunlight conditions.
  • Soil Type and Drainage: Opt for well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can hinder root growth and overall plant health.

Preparing the Soil for Success

Effective soil preparation is the essential foundation for achieving thriving Napier grass cultivation.

  • Soil Testing: Conduct a soil test to determine the pH and nutrient levels of the soil. Adjust the pH to the range of 7.5 to 6.5 for optimal growth.
  • Organic Matter: Enhance soil fertility by incorporating compost or well-rotted manure. Work these amendments into the soil to improve its structure and nutrient-holding capacity.

Procuring Quality Seeds or Cuttings

The quality of planting materials significantly impacts the success of your Napier grass cultivation.

  • High-Quality Materials: Source seeds or stem cuttings from reputable suppliers to ensure healthy and disease-free planting materials.
  • Inspection: Thoroughly inspect the materials for any signs of disease, damage, or pests before planting.

Planting Napier Grass

Propagation Methods

Napier grass can be propagated through two main methods: seeds and stem cuttings.

  • Seeds: Sow Napier grass seeds in prepared seedbeds or pots. Maintain consistent moisture until germination occurs, and then transplant the seedlings to the planting site.
  • Cuttings: Prepare stem cuttings with at least three nodes each. Plant the cuttings directly into the soil, burying them to a depth of 5-10 centimeters. Water regularly to promote root development.

Planting Procedure

Follow these steps to ensure successful Napier grass planting:

  1. Site Preparation: Clear the planting area of weeds and debris.
  2. Spacing: Maintain appropriate spacing between plants to allow for healthy growth and airflow.
  3. Planting: Plant the seeds or cuttings at the recommended depth and spacing, ensuring good soil-to-root contact.
  4. Watering: Water the newly planted Napier grass to establish moisture around the roots.
How to Successfully Plant Napier Grass in the Philippines?

Caring for Napier Grass

Watering and Irrigation

Proper watering practices are crucial for Napier grass health.

  • Establishment Phase: During the initial stages, maintain consistent moisture to support germination and root development.
  • Mature Plants: Once established, water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance.


Keep your Napier grass well-nourished through appropriate fertilization.

  • Balanced Fertilizer: Apply a balanced fertilizer with adequate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for optimal growth.
  • Organic Options: Consider using organic fertilizers like compost to enhance soil fertility and nutrient availability.

Weed and Pest Management

Effective management of weeds and pests ensures healthy Napier grass growth.

  • Weed Control: Regularly remove weeds that compete with Napier grass for nutrients and space.
  • Pest Management: Monitor for pests and implement natural control methods to minimize their impact.

Disease Prevention

Preventive measures are key to protecting Napier grass from diseases.

  • Sanitation: Promptly remove and dispose of infected plant material to prevent disease spread.
  • Spacing: Adequate plant spacing promotes air circulation and reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Harvesting and Utilization

Harvesting Timing

Harvest Napier grass at the right stage for your intended use.

  • Livestock Feed: For optimal nutritional value, harvest when the grass reaches 1.5 to 2 meters in height.
  • Biomass and Erosion Control: Harvest later for biomass or erosion control purposes.

Harvesting Techniques

Follow proper harvesting techniques for sustained growth.

  • Cutting Height: Use sharp tools to cut the grass 15 to 20 centimeters above the ground to promote regrowth.
  • Regrowth: Leaving some regrowth ensures continuous productivity and a healthy stand of Napier grass.

Utilization in Livestock Feeding

Incorporate Napier grass into livestock diets for improved nutrition.

  • Chopping: Chop the harvested grass into smaller pieces for easy consumption by livestock.
  • Nutritional Value: Highlight the nutritional benefits of Napier grass for livestock health and productivity.


In conclusion, Napier grass offers a host of benefits that can transform Philippine farms. By understanding its characteristics, cultivating practices, and various applications, farmers can harness the potential of Napier grass for enhanced livestock feed, erosion control, and soil enrichment. Whether youโ€™re a seasoned farmer or a newcomer, consider venturing into Napier grass cultivation to contribute to sustainable agriculture and the betterment of the environment.


How do I improve my Napier grass?

Add cow dung to each cluster of Napier grass that remains after harvesting to aid in theโ€™shooting outโ€™ of new growth. A healthy crop of Napier grass, if fertilised and managed properly, will yield at least three cuttings during the wet season and two more after the rains have stopped.

Which fertilizer is best for Napier grass?
Apply farmyard manure at a rate of 25 t/ha.
Apply NPK at a rate of 150:50:40 kg per hectare.
FYM -25t/ha. NPK โ€“ 75:50:40 kg/ha. Top dressingย 
In terms of fertilisers, apply 108 kg of DAP, 140 kg of urea, and 66 kg of MOP per hectare as a base dose, followed by 140 kg 30 days after planting.

3 thoughts on โ€œHow to Successfully Plant Napier Grass in the Philippines?: A Comprehensive Guideโ€

    • Mulato grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) and Mombasa grass (Panicum maximum) are both popular tropical forage grass species used for pasture and forage production. They can be propagated through splits, which involves dividing existing plants into smaller sections to create new plants. Hereโ€™s some information on each:

      1. Mulato Grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis):
      โ€“ Splitting: Mulato grass can be propagated through splitting. This involves dividing the existing clump of grass into smaller sections, each containing roots and shoots.
      โ€“ Process: To split mulato grass, you would typically dig up an established clump of grass and divide it into smaller sections, ensuring that each section has both roots and shoots.
      โ€“ Cost per Splits: The cost per split can vary depending on factors such as the size of the split and the local market conditions for grass splits. Itโ€™s best to check with local agricultural suppliers or nurseries for current pricing in your area.

      2. Mombasa Grass (Panicum maximum):
      โ€“ Splitting: Mombasa grass can also be propagated through splitting similar to mulato grass. This involves dividing the existing clump of grass into smaller sections, each containing roots and shoots.
      โ€“ Process: To split Mombasa grass, you would follow a similar process as with mulato grass, digging up an established clump and dividing it into smaller sections, ensuring each section has roots and shoots.
      โ€“ Cost per Splits: As with mulato grass, the cost per split of Mombasa grass can vary depending on factors such as the size of the split and local market conditions. Itโ€™s advisable to check with local agricultural suppliers or nurseries for current pricing.

      Itโ€™s important to note that the availability and cost of grass splits can vary depending on factors such as geographic location, demand, and season. Additionally, proper care and management practices are essential to ensure the success of newly propagated grass splits.


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